Motivational Reasons to Get Off the Couch
Weight loss and fitness are not merely reasons to get off the couch. Getting in shape and taking care of your body can literally save your life. It is well known the obesity epidemic has been made worse with the recent pandemic and lockdowns, but many are still not paying attention.
Fortunately, we have more tools at hand to help us motivate ourselves. Whether you choose walking for weight loss, fitness challenges, or virtual races , chances are if you look at what is trending for fitness in 2022 you will find something that inspires you. And if you need motivation, here are some reasons that might inspire you to get off the couch and get fit.
Let’s face it, life is challenging and the recent pandemic hasn’t helped. But exercise can help you feel better in a number of ways. First, it can help lessen tension so it counters the negative effects of stress. Exercise, especially cardio, releases endorphins that some call the feel-good brain chemicals, which contributes to improving your mood and has anti-anxiety effects. Some people who participate in longer bouts of cardio activity feel it is a type of mindful meditation in motion as they focus on their form or listen to music. Lastly, exercise promotes deeper breathing, which also promotes relaxation.
Lose Weight
Exercise is one of the best compliments to a weight loss diet and helps you lose weight in all the right places. It is well known that exercise can increase your metabolism by improving digestion and helping you burn calories while you are exercising and for some time after. Walking for weight loss is one of the easiest ways to begin a weight loss journey and is adaptable for any level of fitness.

Get Fit
Moving your body in any way is the first step you can take to get fit. Whether you compete in a virtual race or improve your personal best with a virtual challenge, moving your body is necessary to improve your muscles, improve heart health, and reduce the risk of obesity. And if you need more motivation, use a fitness app like where you can win medals and other trophies to keep you motivated.
More Energy
First, exercise increases circulation, which means more blood travels through your body to distribute more oxygen and nutrients. More oxygen and nutrients improve energy levels. One little known fact is that exercise stimulates your cells to produce more mitochondria, which are also known as power cells because they are responsible for creating fuel from glucose. This means a greater energy supply!
Rewards for Progress
When you join a fitness app like Yes.Fit, you have access to a community of like-minded people who will help motivate and cheer you on. You can walk or run virtual races and participate in challenges, and when you complete a race, you are rewarded for your efforts! Win medals, coins, or a tee shirt to commemorate your hard work and progress.
The obesity epidemic does not have to affect you or your family. Get off the couch today and treat yourself to fitness with fun. The Yes.Fit app will help you along the way and you may even find that exercise can be fun!
(BMJ 2021;372:n411)