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Sunday Habits for a Successful Week

Weekends are different for everyone; some people like to cut loose while others prefer to hang back and enjoy solitude. Whatever your weekend looks like it will come to an end and before you know it, Monday is back. You might as well make the best of it, but how? By paying attention to Sunday, of course.

What we do on Sunday can potentially lead to a rough Monday or a productive beginning of the new week. And this is important becausea study from the University of Warwick shows that while productive people are happier, productivity can also create happiness. Check out these Sunday habits that can help you have a productive and successful upcoming week.

Enjoy Your Sunday

First and foremost, take time for yourself and your well being. Relax and enjoy some downtime before the upcoming week by sleeping in, slowing down and enjoying family or friends. Cuddle with your fur babies or clean your home if that’s what makes you happy. The point is to do something you enjoy because you deserve it.

Plan Your Week

After you sleep in and have enjoyed your morning tea or coffee, cuddle up on the couch with a pad and paper and begin planning your week. Planning your week can make many areas of your life much easier; for example, planning your outfit for each day makes one less thing to think about each morning. Planning meals can help you stay on a healthy eating regimen and planning workouts can help you avoid pitfalls that become obstacles to a healthy lifestyle.

Begin with a journal or weekly planner that has room for notes. Consider what is important to you and include it in your weekly schedule. For example, along with fitting in healthy meals and exercise, you might add 15 minutes into each day to research a business or hobby you have been wanting to start.

For most of us, getting the journal and writing the first page is the biggest obstacle to overcome, but once you start, it can be fun. And while to some, planning might sound tedious and boring, the following tips will include more ideas to make planning more enjoyable.

Plan Your Meals for the Week

Healthy eating has more benefits than a smaller waistline. Healthy foods have a direct impact on one’s emotional state and energy levels. When we feel good physically, we naturally have an improved outlook on life and more energy to do the things that make us feel good.

But don’t just stop eating your favorite foods, get creative instead. Plan your meals for the week by perusing Pinterest or your favorite magazines for ideas. Thanks to the current trend of healthy living, there are many magazines and websites with healthy recipes that are not only easy, but delicious, as well.

Whether you decide to go vegan, vegetarian or simply want to eat more meals at home, you will find an array of recipes with shopping lists to make your diet venture easier. You can even take it to the next level and make a scrapbook of colorful meal cutouts from magazines to stimulate your taste buds and keep you on track. What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon?

Plan Your Workout for the Week

It can be easy for anyone to fall into a boring workout routine and then lose interest in exercise altogether. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Try changing your workout every 1 to 4 weeks. This not only keeps your workouts fresh, but can help you avoid injury while ensuring all muscles are strong and well balanced. Write out your exercise plan for the upcoming week as a Sunday habit, and post it where you can see it as a reminder and motivator.

Go Shopping

Now that your planning is complete, go shopping for the week. As mentioned, most healthy meal websites include shopping lists for their recipes. If there is no list, make one for yourself. This can make shopping easier and help you avoid buying unnecessary foods. And eating before you shop for food can help you avoid impulse buys like chips or other junk foods.

If you have time, shop for other things that will make your week easier, such as to-go meal containers or new workout clothes for motivation. Create a budget to save yourself the stress of overspending and have fun with it. If shopping online is your thing, then enjoy it while you relax on the sofa with more tea.

Meal Prep

Once you have completed your grocery shopping and have your containers washed and ready, make your meals for the week. If you don’t want to spend all Sunday cooking, just wash and prepare vegetables so they are ready to grab and go, put a tray of chicken in the oven to portion out for the week or make a large salad that is meal-ready. Set a timer for 30 minutes to complete this and get as much done as you can, then when you do this the next Sunday you know that you’re not spending your whole day meal prepping.

Clean and Organize

This may not sound like the stuff Sundays are made of, but cleaning and organizing can boost your mood and outlook for the upcoming week. Money stress, depression and anxiety quite often stem from a lack of organization. Combat this by setting aside 20 minutes on Sunday to organize what you can.

If you have many areas that need attention, then begin small. Choose one room to clean as best you can or clean and organize your desk and financial papers, which can build up fast. Don’t worry about getting it all done in one Sunday, just make a plan to do a little each week, and if you feel motivated, turn this Sunday habit into a daily habit by devoting just 10 minutes a day. You might be surprised at how much you can get done in just a month!


Creating successful Sunday habits can help you enjoy a successful week. In fact, being productive and organized can improve your overall outlook, while planning can lead the way for a happier and healthier lifestyle. So put on some music, begin creating your new Sunday habits and enjoy a successful week.

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