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Finding time for fitness.

Finding Time for Fitness in a Busy Life

We all know that fitness should be at the top of the list in our busy schedules. But when it comes to exercise, finding time for our workout plans can be challenging. Lucky for us, time management is something that we can all incorporate, and it’s a lot easier than you might think. The following tips and tricks can help you manage your workout plan, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete.

Decide on Your Goals

Each of us has our own personal goal we want to accomplish with our fitness routine. One person might desire weight loss, someone else might want to increase their fitness level, while still another wants protection from heart disease. The best workout plans can form when you have decided on your goals for fitness, which can be used to create your daily routine.

Evaluate and Make a Plan

Once you have decided on your goals, evaluate your current level of health then learn what steps to take to reach your goal from there. A plan will help you manage your time more effectively, which makes it easier to follow. Keep in mind your plan must work around your current schedule or you likely will not stick to it.

Write it Down

Once you have evaluated your situation and planned it out, write it out with your daily routine. Dry erase calendar boards are a convenient tool for this, and can be used to write out your daily schedule or work, school or other commitments. This visual tool can help you see where you can fit in your daily work out, and studies prove that those who write down their goals and plans have greater success. (1)

Fit in Fitness Where You Can

The Department of Health and Human Services recommends we get either, 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity. This breaks down to 30 minutes five times each week or 15 minutes five times each week. Looking at it this way, working out on a lunch break fits in perfectly!

Physical activities can be fit into any area of your schedule, you just have to be creative and flexible. Finding time for exercise might mean some adjustments to your daily routine, but will be worth the effort so you can stay fit. Here are just some ways to fit in fitness:

Invest in a jogging stroller. If you have a young child and are short on time, a jogging stroller will allow you to get out and exercise without having to hire a babysitter. And, a morning walk or run is a healthy way to spend time with your child.

Bike to work instead of driving or using public transport. Some modes of transportation have bike racks on board, so you can bike part way and use the public transport for the rest. Check your local bus and train routes to take advantage of this perk.

Get fit and reduce stress with a yoga class. If you cannot bike to work, throw your workout clothes into a gym bag and find a 30-minute yoga class on your lunch break. Shower at the gym and be back to work more relaxed and positive knowing you did something wonderful for yourself.

Get up 30 minutes earlier and work out at home. Working out in the morning allows you to check off your daily fitness goal before anything can come along and interrupt your schedule. You will feel healthier and more fit the rest of the day and it will become a healthy habit before you know it. Some exercises you can do in that 30 minutes at home might include; online yoga or workout class, a brisk walk around your neighborhood, jumping jacks on your porch where you can enjoy nature or invest in a mini trampoline called a rebounder, and make your workout extra fun.

Intensify your routine and cut it from 30 minutes to 15. There are plenty of exercise programs online or on DVD that keep the workout to 15 minutes for those who are short on time. If you don’t want to exercise in your home, get outside and train to increase your exercise intensity from a brisk walk to a run. Use a fitness tracker app like to ensure you work your way to the higher intensity at a healthy pace to avoid injury.

Take your dog for a walk. Dogs need exercise too, so schedule a time for you and your canine buddy to take a fun run or walk around your neighborhood. This will give you time to indulge in your thoughts, walk away stress and enjoy nature.

Watch television, read a book or listen to music while working out from the comfort of home. This is where a treadmill or home elliptical machine can help you make the most of your downtime. Many of us relax in the evenings and do things we enjoy; but many times, these activities just aren’t active. You can turn them into a sport with a treadmill set up in front of your television, or by a window with a view, while you listen to music. You don’t have to leave your home, worry about heat or air pollution and can even take business calls and still complete your workout.

Get a fitness tracker. A fitness tracker can help you manage your busy schedule by keeping track of your goals for you. You compete against yourself, while the tracker can provide tips for your fitness goals, notify you when you reach your goals and motivate you as you see your progress. Using a fitness app like Yes.Fit will surely keep you moving. And the best part; research shows that fitness trackers increase the user’s activity by 30%, a reason to get started right away!

Staying fit is something that anyone can do. Physical fitness is important for health because it can ward off heart disease, chronic illness and depression. In today’s busy schedule, we have all the tools we need to help motivate ourselves, stick to our workout plans and reach fitness goals. You can begin right now by evaluating yourself, make a plan and write it down. Then take care of your body and it will take care of you for many years to come.


Marano, H. E. (2016, July 22). The Goals That Guide Us. Retrieved July 31, 2019, from

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